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About the Technical Theatre
& Design Symposium

The Technical Theatre and Design Symposium offers immersive, hands-on workshops and experiences for student technicians and designers, all curated by the Ohio Valley-USITT. Our symposium is an opportunity for students to gain practical knowledge in the technical aspects of theatre and design, helping them to become more effective and productive in their home schools and in their future careers.

2025 Workshops - TBD

The Technical Theatre and Design Symposium offers immersive, hands-on workshops and experiences for student technicians and designers, all curated by the Ohio Valley-USITT. Our symposium is an opportunity for students to gain practical knowledge in the technical aspects of theatre and design, helping them to become more effective and productive in their home schools and in their future careers.


Workshops in the 2025 symposium are curated by technical theatre professionals. These hands-on workshops were designed specifically for high school students to develop or hone technical and design skills that can employed in their home school and beyond. 

SAMPLE - 2023 Representative Workshops

Color Theory with Lighting
Mandalyn Stevens

This workshop will show how the 
color of light can change
the color of scenery and costumes

Creative Costume Design Challenge
Sarah Russell

Working with research and unconventional materials to give our creative brains
a workout! This is a hands on workshop
so get ready to CREATE!

The Gorey Secrets of
Special Effects Makeup

Sabrina Hykes Davis

Creating realistic wounds for the stage, film,
or even haunted houses using both
2D and 3D makeup techniques. 

The Language of Tech
Calia Yates

Reading different types of draftings, deciphering the symbols and what can be learned from this visual communication tool.

Splat! Woosh! Boing!
Creating a World with Sound.

Sabrina Hykes Davis

 Join us to create sounds and
soundscapes using household objects,
Garage Band, and QLab.

Resume and Portfolio Review
Elynmarie Kazle

How to showcase your work in the best way. Prepare for the questions that might be asked. Bring in any materials you have and a laptop, chrome book or iPad for working.

Unconventional Shows for 
Site-Specific Productions

Marly Wooster

Lighting on a hillside, in an aquarium,
or in
 a corn maze. Learn about and experiment with the unconventional lighting
for sight specific events.

Research Images for Design
Kathe DeVault

How do find and use pictures
and paintings to show what
the lighting will look like. 

Rigging Demonstration
Calia Yates

Information on the importance of
rigging safety, work loads, hardware,
and more. Learn how to physically
crimp a thimble/sleeve.

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The mission of the Educational Theatre Association: Ohio Chapter is to educate and advocate for diverse and inclusive experiences for all through accessible programming and opportunities that develop essential skills, empathy, and a lifelong passion for theatre.

Ohio EdTA

522 Foxtrail W Circle

Westerville, Ohio 43081

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