Junior Thespian Conference 2025
Sat, February 8, 2025 | Bexley Middle School
9am - 5pm; Students grade 6-8 welcome
300 S. Cassingham Rd, Bexley OH, 43209
At Jr Thespian Conference, students have the opportunity to
attend workshops on performance and technical theater taught by theatre professionals
perform shows for their peers
watch shows performed by other middle school students and Jr Thespy Showcase
participate in an improv or technical theatre challenge (student's choice)
compete in Thespys and receive feedback from theatre professionals
network with other MS theatre students from all over Ohio
Not an official Jr Thespian Troupe? Not a problem! All students in grades 6-8 are welcome.
Registration must be completed by schools/troupe directors and not individuals. Registration is due January 27.
The conference fee is $50 per person. Troupe directors are free. The conference fee includes lunch on Saturday and entrance to all conference events, including tech/improv challenge and Thespys. Attendees have the option to purchase a conference t-shirt for an additional $15.
Questions? Email Becky Rhinehart and Carmel Avegnon Sanders at brhinehart@ohedta.org and csanders@ohedta.org.
We hope to see you and your students at Jr Thespian Conference! It's going to be a Wicked good time!
FallThesFest25 Activities
Unified Auditions & Interviews
The Unified Auditions and Interviews is an excellent opportunity for sunior theatre students to be seen by many theatre schools at the some time. For a single registration fee, a student can be seen by many schools all at the same time. 20 to 30 schools from Ohio and beyond participate every year. Student performers and technicians are encouraged to register.
All-Ohio Auditions & Interviews
The annual All-Ohio production is one of the most exciting opportunities that Ohio Thespians offers. The All-Ohio production serves to bring together the best high school theatre artists throughout the state for a production experience they likely would not have in their school communities, working with a production team of professional theatre artists.
Thespy Competition
Thespys are an annual International Thespian Society event. Those that earn Double Superior are invited to perform at our Spring Conference and attend the International Thespian Festival to represent themselves, their troupe, and Ohio.
Thespy categories include performance, film and technical/design. Students will receive feedback and ratings from theatre educators.
College & University Fair
The College & University Fair is a great way to get informed about a theatre education and make the best decision for your future. You'll get the chance to learn about different college and university programs, discover potential scholarship and financial aid options, and gain more insight into the admission process.
Technical Theatre & Design Symposium
The Symposium offers immersive, hands-on workshops and experiences for student technicians and designers, all curated by the Ohio Valley-USITT. Our symposium is an opportunity for students to gain practical knowledge in the technical aspects of theatre and design, helping them to become more effective and productive in their home schools and in their future careers.
Registration Expense
Unified Auditions/Interviews: $50.00
Thespy Registration: $15.00 per event
All-Ohio Audition Registration: FREE
College & University Fair: FREE
Technical Theatre and Design Symposium: FREE
Students self-register for this event.